10 Best Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

Places to Visit in Africa in 2021: Africa has been a leading holiday destination for decades now because of the vast attraction accumulated in and unique services provided along pending your holiday. 2021 has been a holiday dream to most people that would like to take vacations because of long quarantine and they wish to spend their 2021 doing outdoor activities like Game drives, hiking, walking safari and other leisure outdoor activities.

African destinations are restoring and maintaining a good environment to have more guests in 2021 because of the high demand for the holiday from many people. Safarihub can serve you in different tour destinations within African in different countries. In 2021 these are the best tourist destination that you shouldn’t skip to enquire when you are about to take your breath-taking holiday.

Places to Visit in Africa in 2021:


SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK - Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

Serengeti National Park is the natural grazing ecosystem with huge herds of mammals. Serengeti is prevalent known due to various facts like the outstanding Great Migration that occurs each year, It also has unique Savannah ecosystem with more than big mammals, compromising essentially all the plain in East Africa. Serengeti is the best national park worldwide and visitors can have plenty of activities to enjoy like Game drives, Hot Air Balloon safaris, hiking through the savannah, visiting Hippo pools, watching the great migration. Serengeti is the best destination where you can also spot the big five and other animals.


 NGORONGORO CRATER - Place to visit in Africa in 2021

The Crater is among the natural wonders in the world, Ngorongoro crater is a unique wildlife conservation site as it embraces multiple land use of integrating the protection of the local people and wildlife conservation. The site has several activities that a tourist can perform like Game drives, vising the Maasai cultural Boma, ascending in the crater which is seen as the main site where you can sight many different animals including buffalos, hippos, rhinos lions. Visiting the Olduvai Gorge Museum and Archeological site. In the crater, it is easy to spot many animals and black and white rhinos.


MAASAI MARA - Place to visit in Africa in 2021

Maasai Mara is a national Game Reserve in Kenya, the reserve is contagious with Serengeti National Park. The reserve is one of the important wildlife sanctuaries in Africa as it maintains ecotourism whereby tourism activities are conducted with high consideration of environmental landscape protection, protecting cultural attires and wildlife welfare. Maasai Mara has been a great destination for different leisure and tourism activities like game drives, cultural tourism whereby visitors can visit the Maasai bomas and experience their traditions and customs. Maasai Mara has also been seen as a special destination because it inhabits animals in the great migration of millions of wildebeest and thousands of Zebras from Serengeti National Park each year.


ZANZIBAR ISLAND - Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

Zanzibar island is an astronomy region of Tanzania, Zanzibar island has been a dream beach vacation to many of the tourist because of the beautiful beaches, warm water and white sand. In Zanzibar there are two main islands which are Pemba and Unguja, they all have beautiful beaches and good resorts to serve you in your vacation. The islands have different activities that one can perform during their stay like swimming, diving, boat ride, fishing and also visiting different historical sites like a stone town where they used to sell slaves. The island also is the best place to experience the cultures and lifestyle of the Swahili people including their foods (mostly seafood), their religion which is Islamic and their dressing style.


NAMIB DESERT - Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

The desert is found in Namibia along the Atlantic Ocean, some part of the Namib desert is honoured as the world heritage site and was registered by the UNESCO. Namib is among the driest desert in the world because of the little rain it gets throughout. The desert has so many things that have been attracting many tourists like the sand dunes, the beautiful and stunning views, plants and animals like jackals, Oryx, mourning doves and others. In the desert there are so many and attracting activities that tourist can do like climbing the dunes, biking the quads to both kids and adults, bird watching in Kunene river and in the banks of Kavango, camel riding and having a desert air safari. The desert is open throughout the year for tourism activities but there are best times to visit which are May to September because of the weather condition that is being less hot to the desert.

The next best places to visit in Africa in 2021 is:


MOUNTAIN KILIMANJARO - Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

Kilimanjaro mountain is the largest and longest mountain in Africa with 5895, and the most standing mountain in the world. The mountain has three peaks which are Shira, Mawenzi and Kibo, Kibo peak is the highest of all. Mountain Kilimanjaro can be approached through different routes, where there are 5 routes that one can take to hike which are Marangu(the easiest route), Machame, Rongai, Lemosho and Umbwe which is the toughest route. Climbing Mountain Kilimanjaro, it might take 5 to 8 days depending with the route that you choose. Summiting the Kilimanjaro peak has been the dream of many hikers, let 2021 be your dream dates of summitting the Kilimanjaro peak.


VICTORIA WATER FALLS - Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

Victoria Falls is among of the largest waterfalls in the world with the width of1708metres and the height of 108 meters, it is located on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. Victoria Falls has been the home of many animals like the elephants, Hippos on the upper part of the flow. Both countries permit the entry to Victoria falls, though Zimbabwe has been the best because of the development of tourism facilities in the destination. The waterfall has the sound that can be heard 40 kilometres and can be seen 50 km from the falls, alongside you can also visit the nearby local people whereby you can experience the other side of African culture. 


KRUGER NATIONAL PARK - Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

Kruger National Park is among the largest National Parks in the world with 19485 km2 and is located in Northeastern of South Africa. The park consist of large animals than any other park in Africa, all the big five are also be spotted and more than 517  of bird species. The park also inhabits a large number of vertebrates almost 217 species of reptiles like black Mamba, crocodiles. The game drive is the most activity in the park also crocodile watching at crocodile bridge, bird watching. Kruger can be visited throughout the year


AMBOSELI NATIONAL PARK - Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

The park has been one of the best destinations in Africa that one be doing game dives and at the same time enjoying the view of the outstanding mountain in the world, Mountain Kilimanjaro. The park inhabits large herds of elephants and more than 80 animal species and over 400 bird species. Many activities can be done in the park including game drives, golf playing, bird watching.

Lastly, the best places to visit in Africa in 2021 is:


ETOSHA NATIONAL PARK - Places to Visit in Africa in 2021

Etosha national park is found in Namibia, it is more popular because of a large population of animals it inhabits including lions, leopards, Cheetah, hyena, zebra giraffe springbok and more other can be found in the park. The park also has the salt pan that is largest in Africa. Etosha is one of the unique wildlife sanctuaries in Africa because it consists of a large number of black rhinos and other animals and animals can easily be spotted. The game drive can be enjoyed in Etosha because of the beautiful landscape.

Hope you liked the content – 10 best Places to Visit in Africa in 2021 by Safarihub experts.

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