5 Best Trekking Tours in Mt. Kilimanjaro – Kilimanjaro Mountain is the freestanding mountain in the world. Kilimanjaro is the longest mountain in Africa with 5895m. Kilimanjaro mountain is under Tanzania National Parks Authority whereby all tourism activities are regulated and controlled by the Tanzania Government. The Park is safe for all climbers in all gates because the park has round armed rangers that protect the tourists and the resources found in the Park. Kilimanjaro mountain has been the ideal destination for millions of hikers, and this has been the major reason for many climbers selects Kilimanjaro for their vacation. Here are the best trekking tours in Mount Kilimanjaro. Each tour has a unique experience due to the use of different routes.

Here are the 5 Best Trekking Tours in Mt. Kilimanjaro:

▶ Northern Circuit Route: 

NOTHERN CIRCUIT ROUTE - 5 Best Trekking Tours in Mt. Kilimanjaro

Here is another exciting climbing route to Kilimanjaro mounting, in the beginning, the route follows the Lemosho route and approaches Kilimanjaro on the West. The route diverges when they reach Lava Tower, the route heads North West to Moir huts. The route is circling the mountain clockwise at an altitude of approximately 13,000 feet. Later, the route intersects with the Rongai route at the third cave. The route takes 9 days to climb the mountain, this is the longest route in terms of time and distance travelled. Although it is the most expensive climb option, the small number of climbers offers a secluded and unique experience with a very high success rate.

The Kilimanjaro Northern Circuit route is easily one of the best routes. Its suites those who enjoy backpacking for many days and wants to do something that is different. The route is highly preferred by those who want to get away from other travellers while on the trek.

Book now – https://safarihub.com/kilimanjaro-northern-circuit-route-packages/

▶ Rongai Route:

RONGAI ROUTE - 5 Best Trekking Tours in Mt. Kilimanjaro

The route is found in the Northern side of Mountain Kilimanjaro, the route can be climbed in 6 days starting from the wooded areas, climbers through route descends via Marangu route. The route is different compared to other routes because the route is flat, it does not give climbers climb high and sleep low, it is a less acclimatizing route. The route has few climbers because of its remoteness. The route has an excellent view of the mountain throughout the approach.

Book now – https://safarihub.com/kilimanjaro-rongai-route-packages/

▶ Marangu Route: 

Marangu Route - 5 Best Trekking Tours in Mt. Kilimanjaro

Marangu route is among of the shortest route when summiting the Kilimanjaro peak, it counted as the favourite route to most of the climbers because it is the easiest way than all routes, it’s known as Coca-cola route. Marangu route takes 5 to 6 days to summit the Kibo Peak. In this route accommodation service are available in all nights that will be spent, unlike other routes. For beginners, the Marangu route can be the best for them to reach their intention. Marangu route is cherished by many tourists because of the short time it takes to climb, good trail ways and accommodation services, But short time frame makes it difficult for acclimatization.

Book now – https://safarihub.com/kilimanjaro-marangu-route-packages/ 

▶ Lemosho Route:

Lemosho Route - 5 Best Trekking Tours in Mt. Kilimanjaro

The route takes 7 or 8 days to reach the Kibo peak, it is approximately 70 km to reach another gate. It is among of the best route when trekking the Kilimanjaro Mountain because of its good trail ways and remoteness. The route has high successfulness to the climber to manage to summit the Kibo peak because it gives good time for acclimatization to climbers. Climbers via this route have to sleep in their own tented camps, Lemosho route has 8 camping sites that climbers will be having their overnights when conquering the Mountain.

Book now – https://safarihub.com/kilimanjaro-lemosho-route-packages/

▶ Machame Route:

Machame Route - 5 Best Trekking Tours in Mt. Kilimanjaro

Machame route is among of the best hiking routes. Machame route can take 6,7 or 8 days to reach the summit. The route has 6 stopovers for overnight, which are Machame Camp, Shira Camp, Barranco Camp, Karanga Camp, Barafu camp and Millennium Camp. This is also among the routes that give good and enough time for acclimatization to climbers, this is best because it gives them a success rate to summit the Uhuru Peak. Each day of the climb the route gives you a different ecosystem to experience like the montane, Moorland, Alpine desert.

Book now – https://safarihub.com/kilimanjaro-machame-route-packages/

Hope you liked the content – 5 Best Trekking Tours in Mt. Kilimanjaro by Safarihub experts.

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