Self-drive is now the most enquired package that the visitors only require to hire a car and do the rest safari on their own without being guided. In Tanzania National Parks, self-drive is allowed and guaranteed throughout the year. Self-drive is superb to the tourist who really need the real adventure in the safari because no one will be there to guide you on where you should be, what to do, what to watch and so many things can be done in self-drive rather than in guided safari tour. In the National Parks and other conservations areas in Tanzania, self-drive is being operated and the tourist has to prepare some essential information/ tips that can be very helpful during the trip so as to avoid some misfortunes and keep their trip a very pleasant and memorable trip ever. Off guided trip.

▶ Rent a car from a trustworthy company:

Rent A Car - Self Drive Safari - Safarihub

In Tanzania, there are companies that offer car rental services for self-drive to foreigners and some don’t. It’s important to look for a good company that provides cars with good standards that will suit your trip with no problems. Safarihub offers the best self-drive services that include cars of standard quality, can help in planning for your tour itinerary, and prepare bookings for your accommodations at a better rate compared to the one you’ll be offered when you book directly. The rental cars are 4WD with a pop-up rooftop.

▶ Recharge your credit cards:

Recharge cards - Self Drive Safari - Safarihub

It is worth to have enough balance in your bank accounts, especially when some of your services are not paid yet like the Park entrance fees, Campsites, food and water and other extra stuffs. The credit card must be VISA or MASTERCARD, This can help you to access the bank services anywhere in the country. Enough balance will allow you to do other extra activities that have not to be included in your tour itinerary like Air balloons, Some of the drinks, and other extra stuff that you might need to buy.

▶ International Driver’s license / International Driving Permit:

International Driving Permit - Self Drive Safari - Safarihub

An international driving license will help a tourist get access to hire a car for self-drive and a permit of descending into the Tanzania National Parks and other Conservation Sites like the Controlled areas and Game Reserves. International Driving Permit (IDP) Is a legal document that validates your license internationally and can allow you drive in foreign country, it can acquired from the destination or a country that the tourist is coming from. IDP can be helpful if one has no an International Driving Licence and It is valid for 12 months. IDP and International Driving license are very crucial for this package because you will be the driver.

▶ Mechanic skills & Navigational skills:

Navigational skills - Self Drive Safari - Safarihub

A tourist that enquires for a self-drive package is very important to have some necessary skills like mechanic skills and Navigational skills. In your trip no one will accompany you, having these skills will help. You should have understood on the basic mechanic, When the car has some small problem one can be able to fix rather than waiting for a Mechanic that might take some time to arrive, also having some necessary tools to fix any minor breakdown. Navigation Skills can help you take the exact route of your trip, having the navigational skills like the use of Global Positioning System (GPS), use of Compass, Magnetic Declination/variation and maps this can save you determine the right direction.

▶ Health and Safety:

Health and Safety - Self Drive Safari - Safarihub

Before embarking your safari its important to be assured that you are in good condition. Never forget to take your basic medications and the first Aid Kit with all necessary tools that can help you treat yourself with minor treats or injuries like scrapes and cuts. Also the correspondent company needs to prepare you medical insurance before you take your trip, This will help you get the medical assistance anytime you need and anywhere around your trip destination.

▶ Accommodation:

Accommodation - Self Drive Safari - Safarihub

The self-driving package can be provided with extra services which are very crucial during the trip, Whereby some services can be prepared by the company that hosts you, they can be responsible for booking and preparing the whole schedule. Accommodation services can be booked prior to commencement of the safari whereby it can be lodges campsites or mobile tents depending on your choice. Having prior arrangements on accommodation can help you not be stressed about where you can have rest after the safari. All process of accommodation services can be well reserved for the company.

Please feel free to drop us an enquiry and embark on a breath-taking adventure with us!

Do check out the Safety Guidelines for Tanzania Safari in Coronavirus