10 Thing To Know Before Visiting Zanzibar – Zanzibar is an island that is found in Tanzania from the East African coast. It is also known as spice land, because of the spices that are grown within the Zanzibar land like vanilla, Turmeric, cardamom, curry leaves, ginger, cloves, Zanzibar is among of the ancient historical sites that carry a lot of Tanzanians history during Sultans presence in Zanzibar. Zanzibar is among the beautiful destination for breathtaking and relaxation, there are beautiful beaches, warm water, white sand, palm trees.

Here are the 10 Things To Know Before Visiting Zanzibar:

▶ Transport System:

Transport System - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

Getting into the Zanzibar island you can only use two main transport ways that can help to transfer you to the destination and that is Air ways and marine transport. Airways can be from any place in Tanzania like Dar es Salaam, Serengeti, Arusha and others but marine transport begins only from Dar es Salaam. For tourist that would like to diverge from safaris tours to Zanzibar, its possible where you can start visiting different wildlife sites like Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti, Manyara and other national parks then you can be transferred to Zanzibar via flights to Zanzibar.

▶ Historic Tours:

Historic Tours - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

Zanzibar is one of the best destinations for historic tours because of many historic landmarks due to different activities that were run like the old fort (Ngoma Kongwe) that was built y the Omanis to defend themselves from the Portuguese. Stone Town(Mji mkongwe) this is the former capital of Sultanate, it is an old city and now the main city in Zanzibar. The old slave market, where it was the centre of the slavery trade. Harmamni Persian Baths, Malindi Mosque, Fukuchan Ruins, Mbweni ruins, Shakti temple and so many other incredible old sights with different historic.

▶ Best for Beach vacation:

Best for Beach vacation - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

Zanzibar island is the best island in Africa serving different beaches with amazing villas and hotels that will accommodate tourists during the vacations. In Zanzibar there are so many beaches like Kizimkazi here you can see the Dolphins, Jambiani, Nungwi, Paje, Matemwe, Uroa, Pongwe and many others. In every beach nearly there are best hotels with great coast view. Zanzibar has the best beach that can offer enjoyment and leisure to tourists.

▶ The Zanzibar Islands:

The Zanzibar Islands - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

Zanzibar has two main islands which are Unguja and Pemba. Both Islands serves as tourism destinations with several tourist attractions like beaches, hotels, spice farms, food and different leisure activities like fishing, swimming, cultural tours, diving, surfing, cycling around Zanzibar cities and so many. The islands are separate but they are all beautiful and stunning.

▶ Syndicates Different Leisure Activities:

Syndicates Different Leisure Activities - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

Zanzibar island has been famous because of its stunning coast and beautiful beaches in East Africa and Africa at large. The islands bring a lot and different activities that brings leisure and pleasure to all tourists with different interests. These activities include visiting historic places like ruins and slave market, visiting Zanzibar cities like the stone town, having shopping in different curio shops around the cities, Culinary taste and leisure activities in Zanzibar beaches.

▶ Dressing Styles:

Dressing Styles - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

Zanzibar Island has a different culture and pressure on dressing style this id due to most of the people in Zanzibar are Muslim, therefore it’s highly recommended for everyone especially women to dress in a modesty way when you are in public places like markets, streets and towns. wearing clothes under the knees and covering your shoulders and stomach. Khanga can be the best and easy option for most foreigners. This will show respect and to the customs and traditions of indigenous. 

▶ Best Honeymoon Location:

Best Honeymoon Location - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

Zanzibar island has been the best place for couples and for a honeymoon escape. Beach getaway is the major idea for may honeymooners whereby they get a lot of time performing different leisure activities together like playing, sunbathing, visiting different tourism sites together. Zanzibar also has the best hotels for that can be ideal in your honeymoon.

▶ Zanzibar Festivals:

Zanzibar Festivals - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

In Zanzibar, there are several festivals, and each has its own theme, this is one of the opportunities that tourist can have to celebrate with locals and perform festive activities together. These festivals include Sauti za Busara, this is one of the biggest and popular festive in East Africa, it is a music and dance festive like Taarab, this festival is celebrated in February every year. Swahili Food Festival in October This festival aims at presenting and showcasing the Swahili cuisine, different restaurants and vendors participate. Zanzibar International Film Festival, July This is a cultural festival that aims at displaying the East Africa heritage through Arts, movies, dances, conferences, acrobats and other arts. Fashion Week Zanzibar, September/October, this showcase different designs by using African fabric, Khanga and Kitenge.

▶ Zanzibar Culture and Religion:

Zanzibar Culture and Religion - Thing to know before visiting Zanzibar

Indigenous people of Zanzibar have their different culture that is different from people living in the mainland, Tanzania coast like other East African coast sides have been affected with Arabs religion after their coming, the local people of Zanzibar are Muslims they live their life with regards of their religion. While in Zanzibar dressing decently will be considered as the respect of their culture and religion.

Hope you liked the content – 10 Thing To Know Before Visiting Zanzibar by Safarihub experts.

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