Tanzania Safari in Coronavirus – COVID19 has brought tension chaos in the world as everyone is scared to take travel anywhere because of the fear of being infected. Tanzania is one of the countries that put much exertion into ensuring their resident and non-residents stay safe during this pandemic. The Occupational and Health Authority of the United Republic of Tanzania has released major measures that all people in Tanzania have to adhere to during their stay.

The United Republic of Tanzania has started to resume Tourism activities and travel services including the Airline services to all countries into normal and this is because the admitted COVID19 cases tend to decrease. The Ministry of Health and Community Development has provided regulations that must be adhered to by returning residents Tourists and other foreigners that enter the country.

The published Regulations includes for Tanzania Safari in Coronavirus is:

▶ All travelers entering the Republic of Tanzania will be subjected to an enhanced screening of COVID19 infection

▶ All travelers are required to present a certificate upon arrival that shows they have tested Negative from the respective country that they come from.

▶ While in the country, all international travelers should observe adherence to infection prevention and control measures that have been provided by The Ministry of Health and Community Development together with the World Health Organization (WHO) such as wearing masks, regularly hands hygiene, observing physical distancing from one person to another.

Tanzania Corona Guidelines - Safarihub

▶ All travelers are required to truthfully fill out the traveler`s surveillance form available on board or any other transport means and submit it to Port Health Authorities upon arrival.

Despite the measures to adhere, the Republic of Tanzania both Island and Mainland under the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health and Community Development has reacted correspondently to the pandemic whereby The safari guides, mountain guides and all people involved in providing and supplying tourism products like Accommodations and transport services have been given training on how to take care and safe serving the tourists during the presence of COVID19 to avoid infection from one person to another.

In11th August Tanzania secured an endorsement of the global tourism body as a safe destination from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The Global Safety stamp is specially granted to nations and travel companies that have been recognized to adherence to standard health regulations during the COVID19 pandemic, it helps all travelers including tourists to recognize the safe destinations to be visited.

Safa Travel to Tanzania in Coronavirus - Safarihub

Tanzania is safe and ready to receive tourists from different countries with much consideration of their health and safety.

Please feel free to drop us an inquiry and embark on a breath-taking adventure with us!