Located in Southern Tanzania, Selous Game Reserve covers 50,000 km2, estimated to be almost as thrice as the Serengeti National Park. Selous Game Reserve is home to significant concentrations of Giraffe, Rhinos, wild dogs and Cheetah, together with these animals it is one of the best reserves to spot the “Big Five” animals and birds too. Over 400 species of birds have been spotted in the park.

Selous Game Reserve - Safarihub

Little do people know about this beautiful sleeping giant in the Southern Part of Tanzania. Since you are reading this, you will have a chance to learn a few new things about the Selous Game reserve.

1. It is among the largest faunal parks in the World. 

Largest faunal parks - Safarihub

Due to its wildlife diversity and untouched nature, various animals have inhabited the park. Such animals being, Zebras, wild dogs, Hippos, Crocodiles, Giraffes, Lions, Elephants and so much more. Permanent human inhabitation is restricted within the park also all human entry and exit are controlled by the Tourism & Wildlife division. Also, this is the only park that you may combine land and river safaris. River Rufiji runs through the park allowing enormous game sightings either from land/water.

2. Selous Game Reserve is said to have the largest Crocodiles in East Africa and it also homes to a large concentration of the endangered African wild dogs.

Crocodiles in East Africa - Safarihub

3. Over 400 bird species can be spotted in the park. Due to its well-preserved nature of the Selous Game Reserve, it is home to various birds and can be spotted easily too.

Bird - Safarihub

4. All accommodation levels are available in the park. From Luxurious to Mid-range to Budget Camps. With all these accommodation levels in the Selous Game Reserve, a visitor may have the best of value with a great enjoyment assured.

accommodation - Selous Game Reserve - Safarihub

5. Selous Game Reserve is one of the least visited parks in Tanzania. Not because it is not attractive, but because most visitors have not been introduced. With this in mind, the Selous also offers high chances to spot the Big Five animals due to its preserved nature and less frequent visits, the animals tend to be easily spotted. In addition to this, the Selous inhabits the largest population of Buffalos in Africa

Buffalos - Safarihub

6. It offers a wide range of activities to do in the park. Such as the unique boat safari, walking Safaris, Game drives, Cultural tours and so much more. Hence quenching the visitor’s thirst for an adventure.

Selous Game Reserve - Safarihub

For more information, please drop us an enquiry.

Tanzania Map - Safarihub

Located in Eastern Africa, Kenya, and Uganda to its North, Burundi, Rwanda, and Republic of Congo to its West, Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique to its South and the Indian Ocean to its Eastern Side. Tanzania poses as one among the best safari destinations to be visited all year round. With over 30% of its land as National Parks, so much wildlife and scenic views to be experienced and enjoyed.

Tanzania is among the biggest countries rich in a variety of Flora and Fauna allowing it to be among the most diverse in the World, from its beautiful beaches, tropical forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, islands and so much more.

Below are the four most interesting facts about Tanzania that you may need to know.


Giraffe - Safarihub

Selous Game Reserve is the largest national park in Africa covering about 55,000 km2. Located in South-Eastern Tanzania, the park has various attractions such as Wildlife varieties including Giraffes, Buffaloes, Zebras, Wild dogs, Elephants, Rhino, and the Hippos. The most famous attraction in the park is the Rufiji river which pours its water directly to the Indian Ocean.


Mt. Kilimanjaro - Safarihub

Many refer to it as the roof of Africa, commonly known as Mt. Kilimanjaro. Is a dormant volcano with three cones namely, Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira. With 5,895 meters above sea level, the mountain poses as the highest point on the African Continent and the World’s tallest free-standing mountain.

Situated in North-Eastern Tanzania within Kilimanjaro National Park, many tourists have summited successfully


Lake Tanganyika is a freshwater lake situated in Tanzania’s western region and it acts as a border between Tanzania and the Republic of Congo - Safarihub

Lake Tanganyika is a freshwater lake situated in Tanzania’s western region and it acts as a border between Tanzania and the Republic of Congo. It is the second deepest lake in the world which reaches a depth of 4,823 feet. It is also the second oldest believed to have contained its water for a very long time ago, it holds the greatest volume of freshwater accounting to over 10% of the World’s available freshwater.


The Ngorongoro Crater is a UNESCO natural World Heritage site located in the northern highlands of Tanzania - Safarihub

The Ngorongoro Crater is a UNESCO natural World Heritage site located in the northern highlands of Tanzania. It’s mainly known for the astonishing Ngorongoro Crater which is the largest inactive and intact volcanic caldera in the whole world. This is the only park in Tanzania where human beings (Traditional People) inhabitation was allowed to conserve the park. Also, in every direction you look, you can spot zebras, lions, elephants, wildebeests and if lucky enough, black rhinos too!

Please feel free to drop us an enquiry and embark on a breath-taking adventure with us!