Which is the Best Time to go on a Safari in Kenya?:

Kenya is one of the countries in Africa with a wide range of regions to visit. For instance, you may visit destinations such as the southern, northern, central, eastern, and western regions. Of great interest is for you to note that not all these regions receive the same temperatures and rainfall distribution across the year. It is therefore essential for you to understand the best time at which you can visit Kenya, based on the destination you have opted for.

Here is the best time to go on a safari in Kenya, based on your region of destination.

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Which is the Best Time to go on a Safari in Kenya - Safarihub

Under the southern destination, you will be able to visit places like the Masai Mara National Reserve, Amboseli National Park, Chyulu Hills National Park, Tsavo East National Park, Tsavo West National Park, and Shimba Hills National Reserve. Looking at Masai Mara, you will realize that it provides an ideal climate as well as outstanding year-round game viewing. While in this national park, you will establish that the nights are often much cooler while the daytime temperatures tend to remain very comfortable.

The best time to visit Masai Mara is during the cool-dry seasons from July to October. During this time, you will experience the great wildebeest migration arriving in Masai Mara from the Serengeti National Park. Nonetheless, you should note that this is often the most expensive season to have a safari in this game park.

For the Amboseli National Park, the preferred visit time is during Easter school break New years and the Christmas season. Generally, it is recommended that you visit the Amboseli game park during the dry seasons because it will be easier to locate wildlife since the vegetation will not be as thick. Besides, there will be a considerable decline in the pasture that will bring the animals together near the remaining few water sources. Another advantage of visiting this game park during the dry seasons is that insects such as mosquitos will be fewer, and the days are often gorgeous with bright blue and clear skies.

In the Chyulu National Park and the other destinations in the southern part of Kenya, it is advisable that you visit during the dry seasons which often range from the months of July to October. Nevertheless, you should also visit these destinations during the month of December for Christmas to the month of March, which often incur short rains.


Which is the Best Time to go on a Safari in Kenya - Safarihub

The central region is found within the unique African highlands. The temperatures here are therefore exceptional at any time of the year. Averagely, the day temperatures range from about 20 degrees Celsius in the months of July and August, and 27 degrees Celsius in the months of January and February. In these regions, the long dry seasons are found within the months of July to October. By implication, these are the ideal periods within which you can visit the central destinations in Kenya.

However, you should note that the central region is found within high altitudes, and therefore, during the dry seasons, you may experience showers. Most African tourist specialists always recommend that you visit the central Kenya destinations during the long rainy seasons since the birdlife will be plentiful, the forests will be renewed and wildly lush and most wildlife give birth during such times. You will therefore be able to establish the nature of bonding between the mother and the baby for each animal species, thus making your safari as memorable as possible.


Eastern Destination include Meru National Park, Mombasa, Malindi, Watamu, Lamu, and Kilifi - Safarihub

The regions you are likely to visit in the Eastern Destination include Meru National Park, Mombasa, Malindi, Watamu, Lamu, and Kilifi. You will realize that these regions have two rainy seasons in a year, the longest of which is in April and May, with the dusting off period being in June. After such long rainy periods, there is a long dry season found between the months of July to October. During such dry seasons, it is the best time to visit the eastern destinations because the sky will be having few if any, clouds, and the sunshine will be in abundance. From the months of November until the end of December, these regions experience short rains before the commencement of short-hot dry seasons.


The northern destinations include regions such as Lake Bogoria, Lake Baringo, Northern Frontier, Buffalo Springs National Reserve, Shaba National Reserve, and Laikipia - Safarihub

The northern destinations include regions such as Lake Bogoria, Lake Baringo, Northern Frontier, Buffalo Springs National Reserve, Shaba National Reserve, and Laikipia. Like in the case with the other destinations, the northern regions experience two dry seasons and two rainy seasons which influence the tourism activities. From July to October, the prevailing conditions entail the long-dry seasons. On the other hand, during January and February, you will experience the short, hot-dry seasons.

It is during the dry seasons that the food and water supply become limited, making animals gather near the last remaining sources. If you are a bird lover, then you should visit most of these northern destinations, such as Laikipia, from the months of October to April when migratory species arrive from as far as Russia and Europe. Also, during the dry seasons, it is easier to navigate through the roads found in these regions unlike during the rainy seasons when the roads are extremely muddy.


Western Destinations in Kenya - Safarihub

Most of the western destinations fall within the tropical rainforest regions and therefore, they have warm climatic conditions, which enables them to be visited at any time during the year. You should note that within these regions, temperature fluctuation is limited, and the prevailing day temperatures remain constant at about 30 degrees Celsius from the months of September up to January. The night temperatures are at an average of 12 degrees Celsius through the months from August to February. The dry months in these regions are experienced during the months of January, February, August, and September. These are the best months to visit the western destinations.

Hope you liked the content – Which is the Best Time to go on a Safari in Kenya by Safarihub experts.

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Here are the 3 best Ethiopia Safari Tour Packages:

▶ Danakil Depression Tour:

Danakil Depression Tour - Best Ethiopia Safari Tour Packages

Danakil depression is found in the Northern Part of Ethiopia near Eritrea. The depression is the result of the divergence of three tectonic plates that caused rifting and volcanic activity. Danakil Depression is one of the hottest and active places on the earth with an average temperature of 40-50 degrees. The package involves several attractions that can be visited by the tourist like visiting The national museum in Addis Ababa (Red Terror Museum), the shores of lake Afrera. This package also has so many mesmerizing adventurer destinations that will be great to step into, these includes visiting the mountains of Tigray, hiking on the top of Erta Ale mountain, this is an active volcano. This tour package has several activities to experience including cultural tour, hiking the Erta Ale volcanic hills and visiting salt lakes.

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▶ Northern and South historic adventure:

Northern and South historic adventure - Best Ethiopia Safari Tour Packages

Another best tour package in Ethiopia, the package is basically visiting the historic places found in the Northern and Southern part of the country. The trip will take you to different places including Addis Ababa, Simen, Lalibela, Bahir Dar, Gondar. This package will give you a long breathtaking vacation within 14 days in different ancient castles, churches with super ancient skills like Beta Medahine Alem, ruins and other ancient architecture that are in the mixture if the Ethiopian, Indian and Europeans. visiting several historical sites like The royal and ancient city of Ethiopia. The package also includes a wildlife adventure safari at Simiens Mountains National Park, Boat ride in lake Chamo and cultural tour where you will be interacting with the people of different society including the Dassanach tribe, Konso tribe.

Book now – https://safarihub.com/north-south-historic-adventure-packages/ 

▶ Ethiopia Culture Tour:

Ethiopia Culture Tour - Best Ethiopia Safari Tour Packages

Ethiopia like other African countries with multicultural and multi-ethnic, Ethiopia has almost 80

Different ethnic groups. In this package, tourists will be lucky to visit several tribes in Ethiopia and have some time to interact with the Ethiopians while learning the culture, customs and traditions. The tour will take 8 days where you will have plenty of time to visit different tribes including Konso, Karo, Mursi, Hamer-benna, Dorze and others. Watching the traditional skills in accomplishing several tasks like bamboo carpentry, cotton weaving is one of the great experience in this tour and a boat ride in Lake Chamo.

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Great Migration Safari is among of the best tour packages in East Africa for holiday safari because of the excitement that is filled with. The main category of the animals that involve in the migration is the wildebeest, Zebras, Grant Gazelles and Thomson Gazelles The mass migration of wildebeest are mainly for searching for adequate food and water. Following the migration routes of the wildebeests has been a dream holiday package for most tourists. As the wildebeest move from one point to another in the Serengeti plain and mainly migrating from Serengeti national Perk to Maasai Mara National Reserve.



Before you hold a safari trip to Great migration Book with a trustable and experienced tour operator that can be reliable and honest regarding the safari and all the services and offers that you can be accommodated during your safari, and that is based in either of the countries that the great migration is taking place. The tour Operator can help in planning your safari and preparing all the services that you need during your trip like transport, accommodation and other amenities and more especially at the best price The operators you book with can be accountable in every service that you need in regard of your schedule.


Maasai Mara Safari Accomodation - Safarihub
Arriving at Great wildebeest migration destination for safari, There are luxurious lodges, hotels and mobile tents that serve visitors during their holiday trips for migration and other safaris. you will be welcomed by staffs of either of the lodges and tented campsites that your tour consultant have booked for your accommodation, the hotels in the wilderness are calm with a great sighting of wild view both flora and fauna.


Accessibility - Safarihub
Once you arrive in either of the country Tanzania/ Kenya, the Great Migration can be accessed in various means like the use of Road by jeep or by airway. And cars are the one used For game drives. Extended jeeps and open cars are the best for this package, for the great view, photography and enjoyment during the migration.


Safari Safety - Safarihub
One of the major issues considered by the tourism destinations is ensuring safeties of the tourists and their belongings during their holiday in any of the destinations. East African tourism destinations including the destinations with Great migration of animals in Tanzania and Kenya have a great sense of safety to the tourists by ensuring there is 24-hour security guards around the places that provide tour services to the tourists like in the accommodation areas and wilderness areas. Once you visit this destination your safety is assured.


Travel Insurance - Safarihub

Travel insurance is very important to the tourist through it’s optional, A tourist can have insurance in either of the countries that they are coming from or in the destination`s country. The insurance helps in providing you with the protection from medical expenses, it can cover disruptions to your trip, emergency evacuation and any problem that may occur during your trip.


Safari Important Stuff - Safarihub

In your holiday safari for the great migration, it is important to take some essentials that can be important in your holiday trip, like the camera, as per the safari a tourist is not allowed to take anything but pictures and leave nothing but the Footprints, for your memorable Safari, it is important to come along with a good camera, a good pair of binoculars and sunglasses. This will help you to have great memories to keep for your trip.

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The Serengeti is one of the most famous national parks in the African Safari Scene. Here you will be able to spot various wildlife activities such as the wildebeest migration, Predators hunting and so much more. Therefore, no surprise that this is a place that you would not dare miss out on your bucket list, whether during this period or sometimes in the future. To others, it is not just about its natural wonders but also for its world-class accommodation facilities located within the park.

The origin of the name “Serengeti”

Origin of the name “Serengeti - Safarihub

 The name “Serengeti” is derived from the Maasai word “Siringit”, which means the “endless plains”.This accurately describes the endless vast savanna and its rolling hills. Though many people think that it is made up entirely of grassland, but it also consists of woodlands, forests, and savanna. 

History of the Serengeti

History of the Serengeti - Safarihub

Serengeti is among the oldest national park in Tanzania operated by the National Parks (TANAPA). It was first entrenched in the 1920s and officially declared as a national park in 1951. In 1981 it was named a UNESCO world heritage. The Serengeti currently attracts more than 300,000 visitors each year making it a major draw to the country’s tourism sector.

No permanent human inhabitation in the park, this was done so as to minimize human destructive activities within the national park, hence all the people (Maasai tribe) who inhabited the area were allocated to safer places.

Animals in the Serengeti

Animals in the Serengeti - Safarihub

If you visit Serengeti National Park, you may be able to spot some if not all the big five animals which consist of the Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Leopard, and Lion. Other animals you can expect to see include Crocodiles, Wildebeests, Wild Dogs, Cheetahs, Hippos, and Antelopes.

Besides the animals, there are also has more than 400 species of birds, turning it to a bird watcher’s paradise.

Best season/time to visit.

Best season/time to visit - Safarihub

This will vary mostly to tourists depending on their interests. For instance, one might be interested in viewing the Migration. Due to the migration interest, they are forced to visit a certain period of the year to spot the migration. But all in all, there is no specific time to visit the place, since wildlife sightings are all good all year round. 

Activities in the Serengeti

Serengeti National Park offers a wide range of activities due to its Vast savannah. Hence, the following are the various activities that one can undergo while in Serengeti.

Hot Air Balloon over Serengeti - Safarihub

  • Game Drives
  • Hot Air Balloon
  • Visit Olduvai Gorge
  • Watching the Mara & Grumeti river crossings
  • Wildlife spotting at Seronera Plains
  • Hippo Pool visits
  • Visit the Bologonja Springs

Hippo Pool - Safarihub