Many travelers find it hard while planning a wildlife safari In Africa, without being sure of where to go and where to find a particular interest that will add value to the adventure. In terms of wildlife spotting, amazing scenery, and nature, this is our list of the finest and most authentic safari destinations that Africa has to offer.


8 Best African Safari Parks of 2022 - Blog By Safarihub

Famously known as “the endless plains” because the savannah flatlands stretch as furthest as your eye can see. Located in northern Tanzania near Mara and Simiyu region, the park boasts of being home to the greatest extravaganza on Earth (The Great Migration) which involves wildebeests and Zebras migrating in search of water and greener pastures. Big Five spotting is guaranteed when you have enough time in these enormous plains.


8 Best African Safari Parks of 2022 - Blog By Safarihub

Recognized as the best place in Africa for viewing social interactions amongst the large groups of Chimpanzees. The scenery for these viewings is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular in Africa, with pristine mountain forests lining the shores of Lake Tanganyika.


8 Best African Safari Parks of 2022 - Blog By Safarihub

It is home to the ‘Big Five’, as well as hundreds of mammals, including blue wildebeest, wild dog, antelope, jackal, and giraffe. Kruger is also home to 126 species of reptiles, including Black Mambas, African Rock Pythons, and 3,000 Nile Crocodiles. Kruger National park also boasts an Ornithological experience, with over 500 bird species in Kruger with 253 Species being the resident species, 147 Nomad species, and 117 Non-breeding migrants.


8 Best African Safari Parks of 2022 - Blog By Safarihub

Previously known as Wankie game save, Hwange National Park is the biggest untamed life hold in Zimbabwe today. The recreation area traverses a noteworthy 14,651 km square and was named after a neighborhood Nhanzwa boss. It turned into a public park in 1961 and is situated in the northwestern piece of Zimbabwe among Bulawayo and Victoria Falls. Hwange offers an astonishing assortment of natural life, for example, impalas, African bison, lions, as well as one of the biggest populations of elephants on earth, and in excess of 400 bird species.


8 Best African Safari Parks of 2022 - Blog By Safarihub

As of late positioned as one of the most outstanding Safari Park on earth by the World Travel Award(WTA), the Masai Mara Game Reserve is to be sure a marvel to see. It is situated in the southwest of Kenya, running along the Tanzanian boundary and possessing a 1,510 km square region. The recreation area is named out of appreciation for the popular Masai clan and is renowned for its extraordinary assortment of untamed life including the ‘huge five’ and the Great Wildebeest Migration.


8 Best African Safari Parks of 2022 - Blog By Safarihub

Situated in western Uganda and ranges across 776 km square. It is viewed as having the most elevated grouping of primates in all of Africa on account of its amazing exhibit of chimpanzees, red colobus monkeys, and L’Hoest’s monkeys, as well as other imperiled species. Guests here will likewise be flabbergasted by the lavish rainforest and grand scenes.


8 Best African Safari Parks of 2022 - Blog By Safarihub

A few untamed life fans have named Luangwa National Park one of the best natural life safe-havens on the planet. This is on the grounds that the centralization of creatures around the Luangwa River and oxbow tidal ponds are among the most extraordinary in Africa. The recreation area is arranged in the eastern piece of Zambia and covers a 9,050 km square region. The waterway is loaded up with hippos and crocodiles, while the land upholds more than 60 types of vertebrates, including Thornicroft giraffe, cape bison, elephants, and panthers. It likewise upholds a huge populace of bird species.


8 Best African Safari Parks of 2022 - Blog By Safarihub

Situated in the northwest locale of Namibia, Etosha National Park covers more than 20,000km square and is popular for its simplicity in spotting assortments of untamed life. Not at all like other African safaris where you need to drive round to see the creatures, the creatures at Etosha public park as a rule come to you. Essentially leave your vehicle close to one of the many water openings and appreciate seeing creatures in their hundreds – lions, elephants, gemsbok, springbok, and different bird species.

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