Here is the article on the 3 Safari Destinations in Tanzania:


This relatively small African country has some of the largest herds of wild animals on the planet, and, in places, some of the highest concentrations of predators. Wildlife spectacles are guaranteed in such areas as the volcanic caldera at Ngorongoro, where animals inhabit the bowl-like lush environment in exceptional numbers, and across the endless plains of the great  Serengeti. The great thing about Tanzania is how easy it is to combine it’s many spectacular aspects, from inland safari to a blissful beach hideaway.

Here are the Best 3 Safari Destinations in Tanzania:

Serengeti National Park: 

Declared by UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites, the Serengeti National Park at 14,700 sq km is undoubtedly the best-known wildlife sanctuary in the world, unequaled for its natural beauty and breathtaking display of wildlife everywhere. Known by the Maasai people as “siringit-endless plains”, it is a land of vast grassland plains, acacia-studded savannas, wooded hills, and mountains.  

Known by the Maasai people as “siringit-endless plains”, it is a land of vast grassland plains, acacia-studded savannas, wooded hills, and mountains

Contiguous with the Maasai Mara National Reserve on the Kenyan side of the border, the Serengeti National Park is one of the world’s greatest wildlife refuges. At any point in time, the park’s vast grassland plains and savannas are speckled with herds of grazing zebras, giraffes, gazelles, wildebeest, and topi. The acacia forests abound with birds and monkeys; elephants and buffaloes in the swamps; and rivers brimming with hippos and crocodiles.

The Seronera Valley is famous for its abundant lions and leopards. The Serengeti is an African paradise that contains one of the oldest ecosystems on Earth. Interesting features such as the fauna, climate, and vegetation have barely changed in the past million years. The plains are most famous as a stage for the great wildebeest migration, estimated to include over a million wildebeest and around 200,000 zebras, however, when witnessing this magical event there do seem to be far greater numbers. These great herds are engaged in a never-ending journey through diverse landscapes, so strong is the ancient instinct to move that no drought, pride of lion, or crocodile-infested river can hold them back.

Safari Destinations in Tanzania

  •  January, February, and March: Dispersed across Ndutu & Seronera plains, wildebeest and zebra are everywhere – feeding on the fresh, nutritious grasses. With most wildebeest calves born.
  •  April: They start their great migration north. 
  •  May: The Serengeti’s wildebeest all seem to be moving north, migrating to seek fresh grazing and water. Moru Kopjes and west of Seronera is then hectic with a series of moving columns.

Wildebeest migration - Safari Destinations in Tanzania

  •  June: The wildebeest migration is often halted on the south side of the Grumeti River.
  • July and August: Often spreading out across a broad front: some heading through Grumeti Reserve and Ikorongo, others north Serengeti.
  •  September: Sees the herds spread out across the northern Serengeti, where the Mara River provides the migration with its most serious obstacle. This river gushes through the northern Serengeti from Kenya’s adjacent Maasai Mara Game Reserve.  
  •  October: The wildebeest herds are migrating again with more accord: all are heading south, through western Loliondo and the Serengeti National Park’s Lobo area, returning to the green shoots which follow the rains on the short-grass plains of the southern Serengeti in November.
  •  November and December: The herds of the wildebeest migration arrive on the short-grass plains of the Serengeti. These are south and east of Seronera, around Ndutu, and include the north of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Great migration north

Selous Game Reserve: 

Selous Game Reserve - Safari Destinations in Tanzania

Enter Africa’s largest protected area uninhabited by man, where Tanzania’s greatest population of elephants wander in an area bigger than Switzerland! The Selous (pronounced “Seloo”) is considered important enough to be World Heritage Site, in which the lucky few can experience a safari in the wild and unspoiled bush. in the south forming one enormous ecosystem abutting the Udzungwa and the Uluguru Mountains, both latter highlands considered one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, the “Galapagos of Africa”, because each separate hilltop has flora and fauna unique in the world. The Great Ruaha River enters Selous from the west, past hot sulfur springs, through steep gorges where African crested eagles hunt cliff-dwelling monkeys. It joins a stunning string of navigable oxbow lakes along the eastern Rufiji River. Selous boating and walking safaris, birdwatchers, photographers, and active adventurers are popular.

Mahale Mountains Tanzania

Located in the far west of the country on the shores of Lake Tanganyika and home to the best chimpanzee viewing in Africa, Mahale would stake its claim as one of the most exceptional and unique safari destinations on the continent. 

The main attraction of Mahale is chimpanzee trekking, but Mahale offers so much more as well. It is a truly beautiful and incredibly remote location. Just being here and taking a stroll on the shoreline of Tanganyika is spectacular. You can go kayaking, snorkeling, or fish out on the lake, spend hours walking through the forest spotting other smaller primates and plenty of birds or climb through narrow tracks to discover hidden waterfalls.

Mahale Mountains Tanzania – When to go

Mahale Mountains Tanzania - Safari Destinations in Tanzania

The best time to visit Mahale is the long dry season from July through to late October. Chimpanzees can be viewed at other times of the year also; however, it may just require a little bit more walking. In the dry season, it is worth combining GreystokeMahale with Katavi. This is another fantastic National Park located in Western Tanzania that has huge herds of elephants and buffalo which eclipse those seen in Ruaha.

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