Safari Hub here comes with epic tour packages that one shouldn’t miss while enquiring for Malawi as your tour package for your vacation. The service provided including transport, food, the accommodation is all classic and comfy. The destinations visited will make you astonished by the beautiful highlights of Malawi.

▶ Northern Bush and Beach Tour:

NOTHERN BUSH AND BEACH TOUR - 4 Best Malawi Safari Tour Packages

Bush and beach tour package are one of the exciting leisure packages in Malawi because it gives you the two main leisure experience in your holiday. Safari for the adventure in different wildlife sanctuaries in Malawi like Nyika National Park, Livingstonia trail, Manda wilderness and beach vacation in likoma island that has a rich history and iconic explorer and missionary Dr. David Livingstone. The overnight stay has been highly considered in luxury lodges that have extra activities for one to perform.

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SOUTHERN EXPLORER TOUR - 4 Best Malawi Safari Tour Packages

The Southern tour package offers the best leisure experience in Malawi, the exploration will cover both wilderness city and beach excursion. The trip will take 8 days, where you will have a good time visiting different tour destinations and performing several leisure activities. The destinations visited includes Liwonde National Park for game drives and excursion at Mumbo island, the island is within the Lake Malawi national park, several activities can be performed like snorkeling, swimming, sand birthing, scuba diving.

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▶ Rift Valley Explorer Tour:

RIFT VALLEY EXPLORER TOUR - 4 Best Malawi Safari Tour Packages

The trip takes 10 days, the tour package is highly based on the highlights of Malawi`s lift valley which is a geographical and geological feature that covers 4000 miles across the continent. The package is also offering several leisure activities in different destinations including game drives in Liwonde National Park, which is Malawi`s premier wildlife sanctuary. swimming, snorkeling, diving and other beach activities in Mumbo Island in Lake Malawi national park. The package also includes the old colonial city, that’s Zomba which is now picturesque in South Malawi and visiting the Zomba plateau that is 6000ft high and is covered in cedar, pine and forest.

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▶ Landscape of Malawi Safari:

LANDSCAPE OF MALAWI SAFARI - 4 Best Malawi Safari Tour Packages

This tour package takes 8 nights and 9 days, the tourist will be lucky to visit Malawi`s Northern circuit zone. The zone has many incredible attractions and activities that will amuse you during your breath-taking vacation. Several activities will be performed like the game drives in different wildlife conservation sites like Nyika National Park, this is an iconic wilderness park in Malawi where you will spot different animals like the bushbucks, Burchell’s zebra, roan antelope, mountain reedbuck, eland, leopards, side-striped jackal and other mammal species and more than 425 bird species. The package also includes a beach vacation, where you will be at the Lakeshore of Chintheche.  The package accommodations are all superb and they offer a rustic comfort service and activities like mountain biking, birding, canoeing, horse riding.

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Hope you liked the content – 4 Best Malawi Safari Tour Packages by Safarihub experts.

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