If you have ever visited Namibia before, then you understand the sheer wonder and the wealth of attraction found in it. At the beginning of each year, Namibia gets the highest number of persons listing it as a must-visit destination for the year ahead. Etosha pan with its unique and awe-inspiring nature has been named as the primary destination for anyone who visits Namibia.

Here are the top 5 reasons why you should explore Namibia’s Etosha Pan:


Top 5 Reasons why you Should Explore Namibia Etosha Pan - Safarihub

For any big game enthusiasts, Etosha is the best destination to visit. Four out of the 5 big five are present and often sighted at Etosha. The four include leopards, lions, rhinos, and elephants. This is not to say there are no other games. You will experience other animals such as the gemsbok, hyena, cheetah, and giraffes. In general. Etosha pan boasts as a home to about 114 species of mammals and additional 340 species of birds. It is one of the best destinations in Africa from where you can easily spot black rhinos. When you visit Etosha during dry seasons, you are likely to enjoy a wider range of carnival wildlife drawn in to drink water from the life-giving waterholes.


Top 5 Reasons why you Should Explore Namibia Etosha Pan - Safarihub

One of the interesting features that make Etosha be well known is its vast salt pan located at its center. The pan is always so big, and can easily be observed from space. Additionally, the Etosha pan has a moon-like surface which provides unique vistas and enthralling backdrops to the game viewing and landscape photographs. When you visit the pan during the wetter summer months, you will establish that it is always filled with water thus acting as a shimmering oasis to birdlife. For photographers, you will be moved by the beautiful scenery established when the sun sets over the open, vast landscapes of Etosha.


Top 5 Reasons why you Should Explore Namibia Etosha Pan - Safarihub

When you compare Etosha pan to some of its neighbouring regional contemporaries, you will realize that it remains one of the most affordable destinations. Within the park, there are several budget accommodations, which offer you the value for money as deserved. You will enjoy a wide array of amenities including some of the most luxurious ones without having to break the bank.


Top 5 Reasons why you Should Explore Namibia Etosha Pan - Safarihub

Although many people note that the Etosha’s vast and barren landscape gives it a remote feeling, you will surely agree that it is one of the most accessible destinations in Africa. The roads in this park are good and well-signposted, facilitating an easy four-hour drive from the capital of Namibia and the transport hub of Windhoek. It is a fulfilling experience to travel on Etosha’s well-maintained roads which do not necessarily demand 4×4 vehicles. When you visit the park, you can often pick maps at the gates and enjoy a self-driving.


Top 5 Reasons why you Should Explore Namibia Etosha Pan - Safarihub

It is evident that Etosha pan offers much to experience when you visit. If that is not enough, then you should know that Etosha is also located in close proximity to several other Namibia must-visit destinations. For instance, the aptly-named and dramatic Skeleton Coast is found near Etosha pan. Additionally, the newly established Omulunga Palm Route taking in several of Namibia’s cultural highlights and lesser-known games passes through Etosha. Towards the west, you will find Kaokland, which is known for its free-roaming black rhinos and desert-dwelling elephants.

Hope you liked the content – Top 5 Reasons why you Should Explore Namibia’s Etosha Pan by Safarihub experts.

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Here are the 10 Things to See & do in Etosha National Park in Namibia:

Tucked to the northern corner, Etosha National Park is undoubtedly the jewel of Namibia’s wild and deserted land. Famous for its enormous saline pan sprawling on an area of about 5000 sq km in an almost barren desert, this remote and challenging to get wildlife haven has more to offer in its wild desert terrains. Covered in thick bushes and golden grasses, Etosha is an ideal habitat for wildlife; because of this, the park creates unique biodiversity for visitors to explore in its incredible landscape. Be it a nature lover, bird watcher, adventure enthusiast, or wildlife fanatic, Etosha National Park guarantees everyone an incredible safari. Perhaps that is why it is often believed to be one of the best national parks in Namibia.

Are you interested in visiting or planning to visit Etosha National Park? Then worry no more because Safarihub is ready to take you on this fantastic tour to the park; just park your head torch, good camera, sun hat, sarong, and insect repellent and reach us out. While planning for a trip to this park, here is a list of 10 things to see & do in Etosha National Park in Namibia.

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Self-Drive Safari - 10 Things to See and do in Etosha National Park in Namibia

With well-maintained and mapped gravel roads in the park, travelers get the opportunity to drive and explore the park independently. Getting a vehicle with higher clearance means will allow you to easily view the animals across the park in the epic game drives. All we give are the guidelines on approaching the animals and tackling the park terrain safely, and you are free to go for self-drives where you are bound to experience a wide range of wildlife.


Photography Tour - Etosha National Park in Namibia

A visit to Etosha National Park would be incomplete without taking pictures of the spreading scenic beauty of the park. Picture-perfect locations such as the two palms, which is the most beautiful attraction for photographers, are worth framing through a camera lens. This retreat location for photographers gets its name after two-Makalani palm trees growing side by side next to a water hole is the most beautiful spot for taking photos during the sunset.


Bird Watching at Namutoni Spring in Etosha - 10 Things to See and do in Etosha National Park in Namibia

Etosha houses rare and vibrant bird species and the ideal location for watching these birds is the Namutoni spring. The spot closer to Namutoni rest camp allow bird watchers to view bird species such as violet-eared waxbills, crimson-breasted shrieks, eagles, owls, among other types of birds. The chances of viewing flamingoes are also very high in the park as they get attracted to rich water holes in the park.


Big Four Safari Tour at Etosha National Park in Namibia - 10 Things to See and do in Etosha National Park in Namibia

It is easy to spot a herd of elephants in the fantastic game drives over Etosha National Park, especially in Moringa and Okaukuejo waterholes in the dry seasons. If you want to see rhinos and especially the endangered black rhino, then there is no better place than Etosha. The park is home to leopards and lions of different species and is full of Kudus, the gemsboks, and giraffes.


Etosha Pan - Attract Vast Flocks of Flamingoes

A tour of the park deserves a visit to the vast Etosha Pan, where the game reserve gets its name. Etosha means “great white place of dry water” and is the final destination for all water channels flowing from Angola. Even in dry seasons, the Etosha pan never dries up, and its thin water layer does attract vast flocks of flamingoes as this acts as their breeding nest.


Etosha Nightlife Safari at the Okaukuejo Waterhole

Etosha nightlife entails a night safari at the Okaukuejo water hole. Because of high temperatures and shimmering sunshine during the day, animals prefer to drink water in the wee of the morning or the evening. Okaukuejo water hole is unique as it draws large herds of elephants, leopards, rhinos, and jackals in the evening, therefore ideal for night safaris.


Halali Waterhole Etosha National Park

Remember Etosha National Park experiences arid desert conditions; this makes the days extremely hot when the sun is high in the sky. During the daytime, only a few animals wander in the park, so for any visitor, it is better to find a shade and an excellent place to cool off during the day. While escaping the sun, perhaps you may consider chilling at Halali rest camp full of leisure activities and located next to Halali waterhole.


Hai|| Om San - To know the history, animals, & geography of the park & understand the culture

Interaction with the complex society of the Hai|| Om San hunters and gathers will allow any visitor to understand the rich and the local biodiversity of the Etosha as these people inhabited this land thousands of years ago. From these individuals’ perspectives, you will get to know the history, animals, and geography of the park and understand the culture of these people.


Dust Devils in Etosha - 10 Things to See and do in Etosha National Park in Namibia

Dust devils, the fair cousins of tornados, are occurrences common in Etosha. These natural phenomena are common in the park because of the temperatures and the fact that the park has flat geography. Made of ephemeral winds moving in a spiral motion, dust devils are harmless and only cause dust mess.


Spa sessions provide by lodges in Etosha National Park - 10 Things to See and do in Etosha National Park in Namibia

There are several lodges in Etosha National Park that offer luxurious accommodation. When you are done camping and with your night safaris, you should consider Spa sessions provided by these lodges. You may choose massage, beauty treatments, gym, holistic treatment depending on the method you believe revitalizes you the best in the sessions.

Hope you liked the content – 10 Things to See & do in Etosha National Park in Namibia by Safarihub experts.

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