Kenya Born Free Safari

This unique safari will teach you the captivating story of Elsa the lioness as told by Joy Adamson and later in the movie Born Free, which changed the world’s view of wild animals and conservation. You will start the tour in Shaba, where the author led a fascinating life. You will then go on to visiting Meru national park, the historic home of Elsa the lioness and have the chance to spot the black rhino, cheetah, leopard and rare antelope as well as enjoy the spectacular views from the safari lodge. You will then go onto visiting the world-famous Daphne Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage in Amboseli, visit Ol Moti school, which is supported by Born Free Foundation.

ALSO CHECK: The Virunga Primates

This safari will create a great snapshot of the some of the best and most picturesque places in Kenya. You will start of by heading to Shaba whilst enjoying some breath-taking scenery. This is one of the less crowded parks with a dramatic and rugged landscape and home to the colourful Sambaru people as well as the rare species including the Grevy’s Giraffe. Next you will head to Lake Nakuru, an impressive freshwater lake located in Africa’s great rift valley, a birdwatcher’s paradise. You will end the tour with the Masai Mara, an absolutely beautiful area, with a great climate and which is extremely rich in wildlife, most notably the migration herds which are usually in residence during Jul/Oct.